Our Focus

Our Focus

Die Ausrichtung der Arbeit erfolgt auf drei Ebenen:

Analysis & Development

Auf der Grundlage fundierter Analysen der lokalen Rahmenbedingungen und der (Wissens-) Bedarfe vor Ort entwickeln wir Lösungen zum Aufbau und zur Optimierung der Infrastruktur Based on sound analyses of the local framework conditions and the (knowledge) needs on site, we develop solutions for the development and optimization of the infrastructure of educational processes and their implementation (as well as for the development of employees). In this, we identify the necessary resources with the inclusion of all service areas and determine the potential for the development of in-house know-how. Together with experts from selected disciplines and with local partners, we develop strategies for building and improving cooperation with stakeholders in other countries and how it can lead to long-term success in providing our own services and products.

Networking & Exchange

In cooperation with our partners abroad, we provide structures based on which we promote the international exchange of know-how and the transfer of skills between stakeholders in the education sector, companies, and individual learners. In this way, we provide insights into work processes and practical experience in a wide range of specialist areas of foreign educational institutions and employers. With various activities in the field of exchange we pursue the development of solid networks between the stakeholders. On this basis, the aim is to promote sustainable developments of internal educational processes and to develop knowledge gained through exchange as a basis for innovation.


The focus of our work is the implementation of sustainable projects and programmes in close cooperation with local stakeholders and the partners involved abroad. In doing so, we pursue the promotion and long-term support of scientific cooperation and in-house educational processes with the aim of ensuring the development of products and services on site according to the latest state of research. The joint use of resources in the development of educational structures has the highest priority.